Importing a API

To be able to work with an API, it needs to be imported into our platform. This allows us to isolate environments and that existing API Gateways are not automatically imported.

For an API to be imported, it must have two custom tags registered:

  • th:tenantId

  • th:environment

They must have the company ID and the ID or acronym of the environment in question. If you are using serverless framework, you can use the stackTags option to create these tags. When importing an API, you must assign it to a package.

Once imported, you will be able to update some additional information, such as:

  • API name

  • Git repository URL

  • Description

For the logs to work, the Lambda function must have a custom role generated automatically and available in the IAM policy for logs (SDK) field. It will be a read-only field.

Usage plans

In the section Usage plans you can select a usage plan for each stage of your API. Even though they are part of the same AWS account, usage plans stay separated according to the TunnelHub environment.


In the Export section, you can extract API definitions in OpenAPI3 or Swagger 2.0 formats, with or

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